Wednesday 7 April 2010

Experiment one.

Right so I'm wanting to create dramatic landscapes how do i do them? Im going to start with my filters. For christmas i recieved a christmas present from my cusin of some cokin filters here are the images i took and what has been used( this is proof of reserach and self directed learning)
the image bellow is an image of my back garden with no filter:

The next image was the same image but with a Jessops circular polarizing filter:

The next image bellow was taken with the jessop's circular polarizing filter, and a Cokin neutral density graduated filter:

I think with this demonstration you can rapid;y see the difference between and bare lens,a polarizing filter and a neutral density filter. After doing this demonstration I then went onto you tube and researched Cokin filters, different types of filters and  i found quite a relevant video. Within my next post I'm going to try and link the video that helped me quite a bit.

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