Thursday, 18 March 2010
Urban landcapes?
I've done some research on urban landscapes, i did do quite a lot of research. And for me this is not a project i want to be doing. For me i found from the research i did, i found Urban landscapes really bland.So i wont be going with this idea.
landscapes?, deserted landscapes?
landscapes is one of my main passions i love achieving a great landscape, but for my last project i want to go out with a bang. But i also didn't want it to look like i settled for doing something simple. Right now I' m seriously thinking about doing landscape but really dramatic landscapes.
I think Anorexia and other eating disorders are a very big problem in todays society. The problems need to be brought to people sight to help them realize. There is a close eating disorders help clinic near to my town i was planning approaching them to ask iff any of there residents were wanting to work with me to produce documentary photography on the problem the picture bellow is what i was wanting to go for, something tasteful,documentary whilst being respectful.

image taken from:
I found this image a couple of years ago which grabs my heart every time, it described exactly what i wanted to.I wanted to look at the after effects of war not the battles it's self but the struggles and the pains the families go through afterwards in a documentary style.

Image taken from:
NHS drunk and violent problems?
why NHS drunk and violent problems. I recently watched a documentary on the problems which the NHS face on there shifts. They said in the program from about 9.oo onwards at night the staff doctors and nurses call this time the drunk shift. The reason for this as they explained recently in the past few years there has been a rapid increase in drunk and disorderly problems within the NHS. The showed the viewers footage of members of public going into hospitals legless and some un-conscious, and then there were the other types the violent drunks. The nurses and doctors these days are having to face drunken violence within there work place where they should feel safe. They showed us footage of members of publics who were drunk attacking the doctors punching kicking the main people who were trying to make them better. Recently the staff have been having to have training for when these problems accrue so they have some self defense when this happens.
What i was wanting to do was document these happenings because i don't think many people know about these problems. And still yet take alcohol for-granted and go over the top. I don't know if i would be abel to do this idea as doctor patient confidentiality.

Image taken from google search engine: drunk and disorderly.
So racism what makes me want to do racism?

Well with this last project for this term i wanted to go out with a bang and i wanted a really strong subject to show i haven't sat back and chosen the easiest option. I've really been thinking about racism its a subject close to my heart, i find it hard to believe that people these days are still being racist. For me i don't notice a color of a persons skin i see them for who they are inside and i think its sad that people cant see past the color of a skin.
so how would I interpret racism in the form of racism?
well i had two ideas the first being using objects things around me to demonstrate racism as some people demonstrate it like the images found bellow:
Images taken from google search engine searching racism and racism photography.

My second idea which i favor over the idea abov
e (i think portrays me being racist over trying to demonstrate it) is going out on the street binding my time and trying to capture it on the public street. Having a series of of 10 black and white rasicm on the street caught on the camera just like jeff wall:

image taken from google whilst searching Jeff wall.
Monday, 15 March 2010
The new brief
Now I've had a look at the brief the night before we are assigned the new brief tomorrow. I've been thinking what can i do which i can back up with plenty of photography. I was originally thinking of work i like to do but realistically i probably wont be doing work that i want to do, and i think i may end up in documentary. So i was thinking about major issues that are brought with documentary. Subject that are unusual or people don't dare to work with here are a couple I've thought up:
I really need to have a think for more subjects I'm going to go and do some research and see what i can come with.
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